You will remember when we had slavery we used to have men come up from Kentucky, Tennessee, and other slave states in order to escape from slavery. I hope if there are any Southern people here they will not think in this allusion I am trying to wound their feelings. We all remember when these colored men came here how they used to be afraid lest some one should come and take them back. Why, I remember in the store we had a poor fugitive, and he used to be quaking all the time. Sometimes a customer would come in, […]
torsdag 8 augusti 2024
Länkar Z7
Jepp! Jag åt, en låda med Kebab, hemgjort med ris, sedan ett glas vatten till. Source
Cibinlik Cetvel Bostan Borç Azgın Zülfü Livaneli – Hiroşima Black Sabbath – the Writ Ahmet Özhan – El...
Att sex säljer är vedertagen sanning. Att även Äldre damer numera är på onlyfans, OK, men hur står det till i skallen? Source