I remember I took up the word “love,” and turned to the Scriptures and studied it, and got so that I felt I loved everybody, I got full of it. When I went on the street, I felt as if I loved everybody I saw. It ran out of my fingers. Suppose you take up …
Read more “Bilgisayar bilmeyenlerin Komik Diyologları”
fredag 16 augusti 2024
One Word
This content is protected against AI scraping. This content is protected against AI scraping. Jag gillar käket på Volvo här i Asarum, har p...
Cibinlik Cetvel Bostan Borç Azgın Zülfü Livaneli – Hiroşima Black Sabbath – the Writ Ahmet Özhan – El...
Jepp! Jag åt, en låda med Kebab, hemgjort med ris, sedan ett glas vatten till. Source
Att sex säljer är vedertagen sanning. Att även Äldre damer numera är på onlyfans, OK, men hur står det till i skallen? Source